To whom it may concern,

   Time changes. It sounds more like a slogan in Obama's President campaign, but anyway it's not.

Having been back to TW for 1M, I was tired of boring media and unexplanatory racial ego here.

If I say, TW is gonna be one of the province of China, or at least economically, people will blame me for overstatement because of the unemployed.

Why so hard to make people recognize "time changes"?

   No matter what you eat, what you work for, what you like, they are changing. But the reason for it is counted on the developing world outside TW.

10 years ago, the wage level of a B.A student is around 35,000 NTD, and now, 25000 NTD. Basically, you can smell the taste "unchange" or "weaker".

Unitl today, being named a tag "Not love TW", I feel very sad for this land and people here.

   Taiwanese, please see how the world pans out.

   Time is still changing. The time wheel will not stop here.


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