
這次聽朋友的建議 在嘉義市區的巷弄間找到了一家氣氛非常悠閒 & 好停車 的咖啡簡餐店

"Single 心果" (有點不好找,在大同國小後,地址是嘉義市永安街329號)



mmmjohny 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

To whom it may concern,

   Time changes. It sounds more like a slogan in Obama's President campaign, but anyway it's not.

Having been back to TW for 1M, I was tired of boring media and unexplanatory racial ego here.

If I say, TW is gonna be one of the province of China, or at least economically, people will blame me for overstatement because of the unemployed.

Why so hard to make people recognize "time changes"?

mmmjohny 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Dear all:
我今天聽到有人稱呼我學長,校友  我得稱呼自己的學校為母校

mmmjohny 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Should I smile?
I assume I should.
Hahaha, anyway, at least now I have an alluring comfortable warm bed.

在美國的地下鐵 我舉目能見的

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